Friday, November 14, 2008

Wish Wish Wish

If I had 3 wishes
I'd wish to be the wind
I wouldn't wish for riches
I wouldn't even wish away past sins
I'd just wish to be the wind
I'd travel threw nostrils and blow away future sins from within
If I had left 2 wishes
I'd wish again to be the wind
And I'd blow only were sand is African
I as the wind would only dance on African sand
If all I had was 1 wish left
I would wish to be a little soft wind
I'd be Hamhams breath
And he would breath all mommies pain away
I haven't 3 wishes but this last wish I wish everyday


  1. Love the site, check us out sometime.

  2. My love you are so talented and i am so proud of you i will always wish the best for you. i feel as though i may have held you back and i appologize for that. but trust me that was not my intention. I just had a picture in my head and rose colored glasses on my face. love


  3. I and only I have the power to hold me back. The realization of this strengthens me.
